There was a party Tuesday night, Wednesday night, tonight and tomorrow night, not to mention Saturday. Next week our nightly schedule is dinner with neighbors, baby cpr class, Bears season ticket holder advisory group meeting at Halas Hall, going to Steppenwolf to see Jeff Garlin do stand-up and then wrap it up with a client party before LL goes to DC for a long weekend. Wow.
The first party was thrown by a bank in a building lobby. The bank was the one I recommended to two of my clients, before they were taken over by the current bank. Still, they are good folks it seems and throw a heck of a party. Lots of suits and ties, but a party in a lobby doesn't get me into a suit and tie or even a tie. ESDNM couldn't handle two nights of these events in a row, so he set up his own networking dinner and got loaded with him in a quieter environment.
Next up was our annual trip to a private club downtown for a law firm's party. For THIS party, I put on a tie, but I still shied away from a suit, which I'll save for funerals. The food and drink were very good and we even networked! One of the attorneys we knew was awesome at setting up people who could actually help each other in business. Then he would quietly dismiss himself. What a skill. Anyway, it was good fun, but LL couldn't join me and ESDNM.
No pictures from the church party tonight, but it was fun as well. The boyfriend of our choir director used to work with me at Morningstar and we have the same hatred for a now ex-employee, Tao (yes, I have no problem mentioning him by name!), who was the primary reason both of us left. A story for another entry.
But the party introduced me to the new Beaujolais which was delicious!
And none of this has anything to do with our December calendar picture which is here on the left.
Here's the new bed our pooch Molly has claimed: my softball bag complete with jerseys and such. Molly has really aged this year, including turning 14, and doesn't jump up on her chair as easily. We've purchased little steps for her to get on the sofa and have steps on the way for her chair. Poor gal.
This was most of my dinner one night: a huge bottle of Delirium Noel, their winter brew. Pretty tasty.
Finally, happy 15th anniversary to my sister Lori and bro-in-law Steve.
better get babysitters lined up now for all these evenings out!
better get babysitters lined up now for all these evenings out!
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