Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Quarantine: day 3

When the stock market rose significantly on Friday going into an uncertain weekend, I hoped some stability would come to the markets this week. That has not happened AT ALL.  Monday the Dow was down 3,000, followed by moving up yesterday 1,000 and now it's down 900 today so far. So, the instability continues as there is no clarity to the treatments and outcomes and duration of Covid-19 victims, or Sars Cov-2.

It's been a really interesting few days as each day, some new restriction was announced. First it was kids were going to be out for three weeks. Then all sporting events were cancelled including March Madness. They didn't happen all at once though, they sort of trickled out. First they were delayed, then delayed further then ongoing leagues were cancelled. It's nuts. The NFL capitalized on it by keeping their free agency timelines and such so the only sports news to talk about is the NFL. Then bars and restaurants were closed and only available for pick-up or delivery. The recommended group size went from no more than a thousand to no more than 250 to no more than 10. You'd like to see the restrictions just be definitive instead of ever creeping.

I still go to Starbucks in the morning for my coffee, but I can't sit there and relax like I was able to do even on Friday of last week. In the afternoon, I still go to Dunkin for my afternoon coffee and go to the grocery if we need anything. Berkots had plenty of toilet paper yesterday, but they have restricted you to one six pack purchase per trip which is very, very reasonable.

At the beginning of March, there were 6 new cases a day in the U.S. Now there are 1,600 new cases a day, in part because tests are starting to become available finally. They aren't readily available yet, but some exist at least. If you're displaying symptoms, then you can get tested. Otherwise they are reserved for those working with the elderly or government services (police, fire, hospital, etc).

So what are we going to do over the next few weeks? I'm hoping to write here for posterity, finish our tax return, make a decision on the whole home generator and organize the garage. We need to get stuff up off the ground and onto the walls. We'll see how much progress I make!!

Oh, and here's Trump's timeline of disbelief. February 28th he called it a Democratic hoax. March 6 he STILL denied it being a threat and that if you wanted to get a test, you can, which is still not true today. That's what happens when you surround yourself with yes men. Since you can't find the info on Fox, here it is on CNN.

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