Friday, November 02, 2012

Shower thinking

At some point last night I heard that W. Bush won the election against Gore by "stealing Florida". I'm not sure if it was a setup for a joke or what, but it didn't really register with me, or so I thought. This morning while in the shower, where I do my best thinking even though oddly it's before I have coffee, the thought popped up in my head again: Bush stole Florida. Here's what went through my head:

How did Bush steal Florida? Well there was that dangling chad issue. And all those elderly Jewish voters in that one district that were confused and voted for Buchanon of all people. The courts decided the election, probably because it was getting close to inauguration and then who knows what would have happened. Jeb Bush was governor of Florida, so it wouldn't surprise me if he purposefully made the ballot confusing. Those Bushes....Sr., W. and Jeb. Why didn't Jeb run for office? Maybe too many skeletons in his closet. More than W. though? That clown was drunk and on cocaine for the entirety of his 30's! He ran an oil company and couldn't find oil in Texas! He owned and ran a baseball team under monopoly protection and LOST money! I wonder how the Kane County Cougars got so close in proximity to our baseball team in Chicago when there's monopoly protection? Shouldn't Chicago have two baseball teams like New York.......oh wait, we do. That's silly. How did I forget that?? 


terri said...

Your shower thinking is much more in-depth than mine. When I'm showering, half the time I'm coming up with my shopping list of things we need to replenish around the house.

Michael Podolny said...

Deeper perhaps Terri but not necessarily more coherent as is obvious from the finish of the post!

alexis said...

lol. I think in the morning my main goal is to remember all the necessary soaping in the morning.

Unknown said...

This is all just Liberal Media Bias. Florida is definitely NOT worth stealing, buying or acquiring in any sort of transaction.

Roseanne Barr made it onto the California ballot. Think about THAT in the shower...