Monday, February 28, 2022

Hitting the shot


While I’ve wanted to create an entry about Covid, what we know, where we are and where we’re going, the impetus for today’s post is a simple basket. Not a wicker basket, a basketball basket. Marissa played in a basketball league for the first time and without really any practice or experience. We were proud that she was doing something athletic and outside of her comfort zone. Then we watched all season long as she learned little things game after game: how to lose someone who is guarding you, how to set a pick, how to guard and keep an eye on the ball at the same time, how to dribble and protect the ball and being ready to rebound. Then, the last week, today, game 13, she not only did all of those things, she rolled around a pick set for her by the best player on the team (a reversal from the norm of Marissa setting the pick), dribbled from the top of the key, shot and scored!!! It was so awesome!! It turned out to be the last basket of the game for either team. I was so freaking proud of how far she’s come without us having access to an indoor court to practice at all.

The Lime Huskies!

Thomas is doing great in martial arts. Interestingly, we discussed doing pushups and how if he did them every day or even three times a week, by the end of the year he would have done XX thousands. He loved that idea, so he’s doing 20 pushups a day, three days a week. While his form is still not great, the hope is that he’ll get stronger and better at them over the course of a year. Kudos young man!!

Laura went to visit her sister and help her pick up a dog from a breeder, so I was on daddy duty for four days. Saturday morning, I decided to buy and cook Spam for the very first time! Diced Spam with scrambled eggs and cheese was the dish I chose and the kids loved it!! Marissa even had seconds. It was pretty tasty!!!

On a non-family note, Russia invaded Ukraine at the end of last week, as intelligence had predicted. Ukraine is fighting back, but of course they are massively outgunned. I say send them stingers and whatever we can to help them repel the Russian hordes led by Putin. It is good to see sporting events and such that were slated for or to include Russia are being cancelled. The Russian people probably don’t know what’s going on or if they do, why it’s happening, but once you take away their sporting events and concerts, questions will be asked. It’s a dictatorship, so they won’t be able to do anything about it, but maybe internal pressure will help stop Putin’s war.

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