Not the usual update today as instead of what's going on with me or the family, I thought I'd comment on what's going on with the country. It's Monday today and on Friday the supreme court reversed the constitutional protection provided to women wanting an abortion and threw it back to the states to decide. The vote was along party lines, which usually means it's bad legislation or in this case, a bad reversal of legislation. Now, there are many things about this that pisses me off, but in general here are a few.
Sen. Collins and Manchin were COMPLETELY SURPRISED that Gorsuch and Kavanaugh lied to them about their desire to overturn Roe V. Wade. Really?!?! You didn't think they were lying to get your vote so they could get a lifetime appointment to a prestigious position?? Unfuckingbelievable. OF COURSE THEY FUCKING LIED YOU DUMB FUCKS!!! They were presented by Trump who lied, on average, 12.5 times a day for 4 years!!! Why the fuck do you think they WOULDN'T lie??? You're the only two dumb assholes who believed them. Just unbelievable.
Clarence Thomas....I mean, what a fucking piece of work this ass clown is. He doesn't say shit for 30 years (literally he rarely commented at all on cases) and now that he's in the significant majority, he's all "Bring me fucking anything and I'll get it overturned!!" Contraception, gun laws and protective gay legislation are next. What a prick. And his Nazi wife is no better. She's all in support of the January 6th insurrection and somehow is not having to answer for it. Hopefully the commission includes her in recommendations to the DOJ for prosecution.
Illinois fortunately, is still a safe place for women. Unfortunately, there aren't many places in the Midwest that are. Minnesota is, Iowa currently is but that could change quickly and Indiana is expected to change. Can you even imagine being raped, impregnated and having to give birth? And then, because of parental rights, you'd have to share custody with your rapist. This is NOT a wild, out there idea. This exact scenario would play out today in about a dozen states. Unbelievable. Way to go SCOTUS. Oh, it's different for incest though right? Nope. Same shit, different asshole.
My next post, hopefully, will be about the covid19 and how absolutely, incredibly wrong people were who followed tRump (and anti-vaxxers) regarding: how covid was a Democrat distraction, how he recommend hydroxychloriquine (which was proven useless as a treatment), how the anti-vaxxers recommended a horse medicine instead of a vaccine that's safe and effective.