The other week, Laura and I had a proud parenting moment as our kids were recognized by their teachers basically for being good kids. Sure, they TELL you that their good kids, but are they really behaving. Well, these seem to indicate that yes, yes they are.
We also received an email from Thomas' teacher last week that iterated that we're raising a great kid:
Hello Mr. and Mrs. Sutton,
I mean, what more could you want?? Marissa did a similar thing while helping me with coaching Thomas' soccer team. One of the players, who is often late and disinterested, was sort of just laying on the ground for no reason. Marissa went over to see if she was okay and came over to me to report on her.
So the kids are doing well and we're hoping that tomorrow the CDC will approve vaccines for 5-11 year olds. Laura and I would like to get boosters too, but we don't qualify quite yet. Some interesting info on Covid: 5M people worldwide have died from Covid. Unvaccinated people are swamping hospitals across the country and taking up hospital beds. If someone has a heart attack and you are unvaccinated with Covid, you shouldn't get a room or a bed if the hospital is full. You're problem was completely preventable, so no bed for you!! We need to start being tougher on these idiots who listen to carnival barkers for their medicinal advice.
The #1 killer of policemen across the country is Covid and they are public servants who are supposed to serve and protect. Can't do that if you have Covid or are a carrier, so yes, mandate vaccinations for cops or fire them. I have absolutely no problem with that.